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Passionate visitor of artificial worlds and curious explorer of emerging digital intelligence, Dr. Davide De Tommaso is a computer engineer with a PhD in Cognitive Robotics and Interactive Technologies. With over a decade of experience, he specializes in human-robot interaction and artificial intelligence, focusing on applications in healthcare, education, and services. Currently, he serves as a technologist within the Social Cognition in Human-Robot Interaction research group at the Italian Institute of Technology, contributing to innovative interdisciplinary research and impactful technological advancements.

All Publications
Roselli C., Marchesi S., Russi N.S., De Tommaso D., Wykowska A.
A Study on Social Inclusion of Humanoid Robots: A Novel Embodied Adaptation of the Cyberball Paradigm
International Journal of Social Robotics, vol. 16, (no. 4), pp. 671-686
Ciupinska K. A., De Tommaso D., Wykowska A.
From labs to living rooms: Evaluating humans’ perception of value-laden decisions made by humanoid robot
OSF Preprints
Article E-print Archive
Ciardo F., De Tommaso D., Maksevicius R., Keller P., Wykowska A.
Human-likeness in sensorimotor synchronization parameters facilitates coordination and shared agency perception in HRI
European Society for Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience (ESCAN)
Abstract Report Conference
Siri G., Abubshait A., De Tommaso D., DAusilio A., Wykowska A.
Motor inhibition in joint action with natural and artificial agents
ESCAN 2024
Poster Conference
Siri G., Abubshait A., De Tommaso D., D'Ausilio A., Wykowska A.
Motor inhibition in joint action with natural and artificial agents
European Society for Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience (ESCAN)
Poster Conference