IIT People Search

Irene Bozzoni

Senior Researcher - Principal Investigator
Non coding RNAs in Physiology and Pathology
Research center

Current Positions

Since 1994: Full Professor of Molecular Biology, University of Rome.

Since 2018:  Senior Researcher at the Italian Institute of Technology (IIT).

Academic career and research experience

2002:               Visiting Professor at the University of Brandeis, Boston – USA (Prof. M. Rosbash),

1994-present:  Full Professor of Molecular Biology, University of Rome  

1993:               Visiting Professor at the University of Boulder, Colorado - USA (Prof. O. Uhlenbeck)

1986-1994:      Associate Professor of Molecular Biology, University of Rome

1986:               Visiting Professor at the National Institute of Health of Bethesda (USA)

1980-1986:      Staff scientist at the Center for Nucleic Acid Research, CNR, Rome, Italy

1985:               Visiting Scientist at the University of Zurich - CH (Prof.M. Birnstiel)

1978-1980:      Research fellow at the Centro Acidi Nucleici of C.N.R., Rome

1979:               EMBO fellow at the European Molecular Biology Laboratory, Heidelberg( - Germany (Dr. M.L. Melli)

1977-78:          Post-doctoral fellow - Institute of Molecular Biology, University of Zurich -CH (Prof.M. Birnstiel)

Academic assignments

Since 2020: Honorary Fellow at the School for Advanced Studies of Sapienza University of Rome

2016-2018:      Director of the School for Advanced Studies of Sapienza

2007- 2018:     Director of the Master Degree in Genetics and Molecular Biology – Sapienza, University of Rome.

2011-2016:      Deputy Director of the School of Advanced Studies of Sapienza

2000-2016:      Member of the PhD Committee of Sapienza University.

2011-2014:      President of the Evaluation Committee of the Faculty of Sciences, Sapienza University of Rome.

2009-2012:      Member of the Committee for the Innovation of Research and Technology, Sapienza University

2005-2016:      Rappresentative of Sapienza University at the “Consorzio Interuniversitario per le Biotecnologie”.

2007- 2015:     Member of the Technical and Scientific Committee of the Consorzio Sapienza Innovazione of the University La   Sapienza and of the Italian Federation for Life Sciences.

Non academic engagements

Since 2020: member of the “Scientific Advisory Committee” of the European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL)

2018-present:  Member of the “Management Committee” of the Human Technopole.

2018-present:  Member of the Advisory Committee dell'Armenise-Harvard Foundation.

2017-present:  Member of the Board of the “Museo Nazionale della Scienza e della Tecnologia, Leonardo da Vinci",


2015- present: Member of the Scientific Advisory Board of the “Enciclopedia Treccani”.

2012-2018:      Review panel member of the Rita Levi-Montalcini “Program on Young Researchers” of the Ministry of Research and University (MIUR).

2016-2018:      Member of the National Committee for the abilitation of Full Professors and Associate Professors in Molecular Biology

2016:               ERC - Review panel member for ERC, LS3 Consolidator Grants (CoG)

2011-2014:      Member of the Review panel member of the membership committee of EMBO

2010-2013:      Member of the Scientific Advisory Board of the “Committee of Experts for the Research Policy” (CEPR), consultant of the of the Italian Ministry of University and Research

2009-2012:      Member of the Scientific Advisory Board of the Pezcoller Foundation

2005-2008:      Member of the Scientific Advisory Board of Armenise-Harvard Foundation

2000-2003:      Member of the Scientific Advisory Board of the “Fondazione Chiara D'Onofrio”

Evaluator for: ESF, AERES, Welcome Trust, EMBO, HFSP, Armenise-Harvard Foundation, AFM and several international scientific institutions.

Memberships, honors and awards

  • In 2013 was awarded of an ERC-Advanced Grant
  • In 2010 was awarded the "Sapienza Ricerca Award"
  • In 2008 was invited to give the “Lectio magistralis” for the inauguration of the academic year at Sapienza, University of Rome
  • In 2003 and 2006 was awarded two Prizes by the Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei.
  • Member of European Molecular Biology Organization (EMBO) and of the "Academia Europaea"
  • Member of Italian Society for Biophysics and Molecular Biology
  • Member of the “Accademia Medica”

Research projects coordinated:

- European Union - VII Research Framework:

ERC-Advanced Grant - Muncodd

People-MSCA- ITN, RNATRAIN Project

RIGHT, Integrated Project

SIROCCO, Integrated ProjecSP3-

- European Union – Horizon 2020:

2016 -Marie Sklodowska Curie Actions -ITN, “circRTrain

- European Science Foundation (ESF)

- Human Frontier Science Program (HFSP)

- French Muscular Dystrophy Association (AFM-Téléthon) 


- Fondazione Telethon


- Associazione Italiana per la Ricerca Sul Cancro (AIRC)

- Istituto Pasteur, Fondazione Cenci-Bolognetti

- Parent Project ONLUS

- Istituto Italiano di Tecnologie (IIT) –SEED projects


Currently coordinated research projects:

- H2020 - ERC-2019-SyG

Project: 855923 — ASTRA

“Assembly and phase Transitions of Ribonucleoprotein Aggregates in neurons: from physiology to pathology”

- AIRC –Progetto IG-2019  Id.23053

“Circular RNAs: novel players and biomarkers in tumorigenesis”

European Union – Horizon 2020:

2016 -Marie Sklodowska Curie Actions -ITN, “circRTrain”

PRIN  2017

Prot. 2017P352Z4

“Non coding RNAs, new players in gene expression regulation: studying their role in neuronal differentiation and in neurodegeneration”


  • European Union - VII Research Framework:
  • ERC-Advanced Grant - Muncodd
  • People-MSCA- ITN, RNATRAIN Project
  • Fondazione Telethon
  • Istituto Pasteur, Fondazione Cenci-Bolognetti
  • Arisla
  • HFSP
  • ASM


  • In 2013 was awarded of an ERC-Advanced Grant
  • In 2010 was awarded the "Sapienza Ricerca Award".
  • In 2008 was invited to give the “Lectio magistralis” for the inauguration of the academic year at Sapienza, University of Rome
  • In 2003 and 2006 was awarded two Prizes by the Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei.
  • Member of European Molecular Biology Organization (EMBO) and of the "Academia Europaea"
  • Member of Italian Society for Biophysics and Molecular Biology
  • Member of the “Accademia Medica”