IIT People Search

Research center

Francesca is a Social Psychologist and PhD Student in Cognitive Robotics, Interaction and Rehabilitation. She studies the social cognition of robotics by understanding how Human-Robot Interaction changes from dyadic to group interaction. She conducts research with an interdisciplinary perspective. She also collaborate with the psychology department in understanding how social categorization affect the perception of robots.


Title: Master Degree in Social Psychology
Institute: University of Milano-Bicocca
Location: Milan
Country: Italy
From: 2018 To: 2021

Title: Erasmus+
Institute: University of Strasbourg
Location: Strasbourg
Country: France
From: 2017 To: 2018

Title: Bachelor Degree in Psychology
Institute: University of Genoa
Location: Genoa
Country: Italy
From: 2015 To: 2018

Experience External

Title: Educational Tutor
Institute: University of Genoa
Location: Genoa
Country: null
From: 2023 To: 2024

Title: Instructor
Institute: University of Genoa
Location: Genoa
Country: Italy
From: 2021 To: 2023

All Publications
Andrighetto L., Sacino A., Cocchella F., Rea F., Sciutti A.
Cognitive Processing of Humanoid Robot Faces: Empirical Evidence and Factors Influencing Anthropomorphism
International Journal of Social Robotics
Article Journal
Pusceddu G., Sangineto M., Cocchella F., Bogliolo M., Belgiovine G., Lastrico L., Casadio M., Rea F., Gena C., Sciutti S.
Exploring Children's Strategies in Response to Robot's Advice during a Group Task with iCub and Nao
International Conference on Social Robotics
Conference Paper Conference
Cocchella F., Eldardeer O., Manca M., Matarese M., Rezzani A., Zedda E.
Robots for Humans (RfH 2024)-Embracing Human-Centred Robot Design
International Conference on Advanced Visual Interfaces, pp. 4
Conference Paper Conference
Cocchella F., Rea F., Sciutti A.
The Social Bench Tool to study Child-Robot Interaction
SoRAIM Winter School
Poster Conference
Cocchella F.
The Social Cognition of HRI: a multidisciplinary study of Group-Robot interaction.
Psychometric Network Analysis Summer School AIP
Poster Conference
Cocchella F.
Studiare i Robot
Orientamenti - Progettiamociilfuturo! Online Webinar for International Day of Women
Public Event
Belgiovine G., Cocchella F., Garello L., Lastrico L., Mongile S., Pasquali D., Rea F., Sciutti A.
A Curious Head: Demos to showcase Research Activities of the Lab
SHARPER Night: Notte Europea dei Ricercatori
Public Event
Lastrico L., Cocchella F.
Lavorare con i robot
Liceo Classico Statale Andrea D'Oria - CampBus Corriere della Sera
Public Event
Cocchella F.
Lavorare con i Robot da Psicologi
HelpCode (Istituto Comprensivo San Teodoro, Plesso La Cicala)
Public Event
Cocchella F.
Lavorare con la Psicologia e i Robot
Istituto Calasanzio Genova (Orientamento)
Public Event
Scientific Talks
Cocchella F., Sacino A., Andrighetto L.
Antropomorfismo cognitivo dei robot sociali: evidenze dall’Inversion e Scrambled Effect
Università degli Studi di Genova, Dipartimento di Scienze della Formazione, Reading Group di Psicologia
Cocchella F., Pecini C., Rea F., Sciutti A., Andrighetto L.
DOGS DAYS ARE OVER? How pets and robots anthropomorphism are shaped by social exclusion
XVIII Congresso AIP Sezione Psicologia Sociale
Cocchella F., Sacino A., Andrighetto L., Rea F., Sciutti A.
Cognitive Anthropomorphism of humanoid robots.
"Cognitive Robotics" 4th I-RIM Conference
Oral presentations
Cocchella F., Pusceddu G., Belgiovine G., Bogliolo M., Lastrico L., Casadio M., Rea F., Sciutti A.
At school with a robot: Italian students' perception of robotics during an educational program
32nd IEEE International Conference on Robot and Human Interactive Communication
Cocchella F., Sacino A., Rea F., Sciutti A., Andrighetto L.
Cognitive Processing of Humanoid Robots’ Faces: Detecting Anthropomorphism through Scrambled Face Decision Tasks
19th General Meeting of the European Association of Social Psychology
19th General Meeting of the European Association of Social Psychology
Cocchella F., Mongile S., Pusceddu G., Lastrico L., Belgiovine G., Rea F., Sciutti A.
Social Exclusion Bench Tool To Study Children-Robot Interaction In Turning Games
CRITTER Workshop at ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction
18th ACM/IEE International Conference on Human Robot Interaction - CRITTER Child-Robot Interaction and Interdisciplinary Research
Cocchella F., Pusceddu G., Bogliolo M., Lastrico L., Belgiovine G., Casadio M., Rea F., Sciutti A.
The Imitation Game: “Gioca Jouer” as a tool to study social influence in Child-Robot Interaction.
International Conference on Child-Robot Interaction
International Conference on Child-Robot Interaction
Cocchella F., Sacino A., Andrighetto L.
Cognitive Anthropomorphism of Humanoid Robots: Evidence from a Scrambled Face Task.
European Social Cognition Network
Awards and Achievements
Cocchella F.
Social Media Chair ICSR 2025
Pusceddu G., Sangineto M., Cocchella F., Bogliolo M., Belgiovine G., Lastrico L., Casadio M., Rea F., Gena C., Sciutti A.
Best Paper Award Nominee: Exploring Children's Strategies in Response to Robot's Advice during a Group Task with iCub and Nao
Cocchella F.
First Prize Winner of the Student Project Competition in the Trustworthy Human-Robot Interaction Summer School
Mongile S., Pusceddu G., Cocchella F., Lastrico L., Belgiovine G., Tanevska A., Rea F., Sciutti A.
Selected as a finalist for Best Late Breaking Report " What if a Social Robot Excluded You? Using a Conversational Game to Study Social Exclusion in Teen-robot Mixed Groups"
Cocchella F.
Selected as Student Volunteer for HRI2023
Organized Events
Belgiovine G., Lastrico L., Tanevska A., Pusceddu G., Cocchella F., Pasquali D.
GROUND: advancing GROup UNderstanding and robots' aDaptive behavior
Cocchella F.
Robot e Psicologia Sociale: studio della cognizione sociale dell’interazione uomo-robot
Cocchella F., Eldardeer O., Manca M., Matarese M., Rezzani A., Zedda E.
Robots for Humans (RfH)
Belgiovine G., Lastrico L., Tanevska A., Pusceddu G., Cocchella F., Pasquali D.
GROUND: advancing GROup UNderstanding and robots' aDaptive behavior
Mongile S., Pusceddu G., Cocchella F., Lastrico L., Belgiovine G., Sciutti A.
Il Robot Che Vorrei