IIT People Search

Alberto Galbusera

Senior Technician
Functional Neuroimaging
Research center

Since May 2021: Senior Technician at the Functional Neuroimaging laboratory of the Center for Neuroscience and Cognitive Systems (CNCS, IIT@UniTn).

July 2015-Apr 2021: Junior Technician at the Functional Neuroimaging laboratory of the Center for Neuroscience and Cognitive Systems (CNCS, IIT@UniTn).

Feb 2013-Jun 2015: Junior Technician at the MRI laboratory of the Center for Neuroscience and Cognitive Systems (CNCS, IIT@UniTn). 

March 2011-Jan 2013: Support Technician at the MRI laboratory of the Center of Nanotechnology Innovation in Pisa (CNI, IIT@NEST), where he was involved in the set up and implementation of functional and structural MRI methods for the characterisation and validation of multifunctional diagnostics and therapeutics. 

2010: M.Sc. degree in Drug Biotechnology (110/110 summa cum laude) at the University of Milan, with a thesis on the development of gene delivery system to knock down the hepatic estrogen receptor. 

2007: B.Sc. degree in Pharmaceutical Biotechnology (110/110) at the University of Milan, with a thesis on the generation and characterization of a stable rat adult brain endothelial cell line.


Title: M.Sc. degree in Drug Biotechnology (110/110 summa cum laude)
Institute: University of Milan/Department of Pharmacological and Biomolecular Sciences
Location: Milan
Country: Italy
From: 2007 To: 2010

Title: B.Sc. degree in Pharmaceutical Biotechnology (110/110)
Institute: University of Milan/Department of Pharmacological and Biomolecular Sciences
Location: Milan
Country: Italy
From: 2005 To: 2007

All Publications
Montani C., Galbusera A., D'Epifanio B., Ghirardini E., Cornuti S., Pasquin Mariani J.R., De Guzman E., Mandrup Bertozzi S., Armirotti A., Baroncelli L., Gozzi A.
Connectomic and behavioral alterations in creatine transporter deficiency are partially normalized by gene therapy
Article Journal
Dautan D., Monai A., Maltese F., Chang X., Molent C., Mauro D., Galbusera A., Vecchia D., Antonelli F., Benedetti A., Drago F., Leggio G.M., Pagani M., Fellin T., Gozzi A., Schumann G., Manago F., Papaleo F.
Cortico-cortical transfer of socially derived information gates emotion recognition
Nature Neuroscience
Article Journal
Pagani M., Zerbi V., Galbusera A., Wenderoth N., Lombardo M., Milham M., Di Martino A., Gozzi A.
Cross-species fMRI reveals transcriptomically and behaviorally-dissociable autism neurosubtypes
Annual Meeting of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM)
Poster Conference
Stuefer A., Balasco L., Colombo G., Gini S., Coletta L., DEpifanio B., Rocchi F., Montani C., Alvino F.G., Sastre-Yagüe D., Galbusera A., Aldrighetti M., Mandrup Bertozzi S., Lau Poui Cheung P., Papaleo F., Iurilli G., Armirotti A., Bozzi Y., Cancedda L., Lombardo M., Gozzi A.
Neocortical Excitation/Inhibition Imbalance During Early Development Leads to Permanent Socio-Behavioral, Transcriptomic and Connectivity Alterations
Gordon Research Conference - Fragile X and Autism Related Disorders
Poster Conference
Montani C., Balasco L., Pagani M., Alvino F.G., Barsotti N., de Guzman A.E., Galbusera A., de Felice A., Nickl-Jockschat T.K., Migliarini S., Casarosa S., Lau P., Mattioni L., Pasqualetti M., Provenzano G., Bozzi Y., Lombardo M.V., Gozzi A.
Sex-biasing influence of autism-associated Ube3a gene overdosage at connectomic, behavioral, and transcriptomic levels
Science advances, vol. 10, (no. 28)
Article Journal
Scientific Talks
Pagani M., Zerbi V., Galbusera A., Wenderoth N., Lombardo M., Milham M., Di Martino A., Gozzi A.
Decoding neurofunctional connectivity in autism via cross-species fMRI
Pagani M., Zerbi V., Galbusera A., Wenderoth N., Milham M., Di Martino A., Gozzi A.
Mapping the neuroconnectional landscape in autism via cross-species fMRI
Stuefer A., Balasco L., Colombo G., Gini S., Coletta L., DEpifanio B., Rocchi F., Montani C., Alvino F.G., Sastre-Yagüe D., Galbusera A., Aldrighetti M., Mandrup Bertozzi S., Lau Poui Cheung P., Papaleo F., Iurilli G., Armirotti A., Bozzi Y., Cancedda L., Lombardo M., Gozzi A.
Neocortical Excitation/Inhibition Imbalance During Early Development Leads to Permanent Socio-Behavioral, Transcriptomic and Connectivity Alterations
Gordon Research Seminar - Fragile X and Autism Related Disorders
de Guzman A.E., Galbusera A., Spagnolo B., Pisano F., Pisanello M., Balasco L., Bozzi Y., De Vittorio M., Fellin F., Pisanello F., Gozzi A.
Probing functional network dynamics with optogenetic-fMRI
Multimodal brain imaging of neuronal pathways and networks in rodents, primates and humans
Alvino F.G., Gini S., Minetti A., Sastre-Yague D., Schleifer C., Stuefer A., Pagani M., Montani C., Galbusera A., Papaleo F., Lombardo M.V., Pasqualetti M., Bearden C.E., Gozzi A.
Synaptic-dependent developmental dysconnectivity in 22q11.2 deletion syndrome
Institute of Biochemistry and Cell biology, CNR, Monterotondo, Rome
Oral presentations
Balasco L., Pagani M., Pangrazzi L., Chelini G., Chama A.G.C., Shlosman E., Mattioni L., Galbusera A., Iurilli G., Provenzano G., Gozzi A., Bozzi Y.
Abnormal whisker-dependent behaviors and altered cortico-hippocampal connectivity in Shank3b-/-mice
Cerebral Cortex, vol. 32, (no. 14), pp. 3042-3056